Silver Arrow Ultra Light Kayak (K15.5)

Produced by Tippecanoe Small Boats ltd.








The Silver Arrow Kayak is a slightly wider, larger volume version of our original, beautiful ultra-light Swift Arrow Kayak design.


The Silver Arrow is just over 14 feet long. Weighing in at just 4 ounces over 20 pounds total weight, this boat is still about half the weight of many wood-epoxy kayaks.


Why do you want such a light kayak? The real reason is that you will use it more than you have ever used its heavier cousins. The primary reason that you will use this boat more is that it is more fun to paddle. It is like dancing in dancing slippers instead of hiking boots, like eating meringue instead of cheesecake, like being as light as a bird instead of heavy like a fish, or like carrying a 15 pound pack instead of a 30 pound pack. Every paddle stroke is a pleasure since the boat moves so effortlessly. And maybe equally important is lifting the boat and maneuvering it out of the garage and hoisting it up on top of the car. You do this without a second thought. No chance of torqueing your back or wishing someone else was there to help you. You can hold the boat easily with one hand. It’s as light as a bag of groceries or two gallons of milk. Up onto a car rack – no problem, no sweat, no effort. Let’s go paddling! No reason not to!




The Silver Arrow is ideal for larger, taller body types weighing between 165 and 200 pounds, and for less experienced paddlers who want a more stable platform to begin with. The slightly smaller Swift Arrow Kayak is fine for body weights up to 170, but for taller paddlers with more upper body weight, the Swift Arrow may initially feel tippy. I am 165 pounds and 6 feet tall, and the Swift Arrow is a great joy for me to paddle, although the K15.5 is terrific for me as well and definitely more stable. For anyone under 5′ 10″ and 140 pounds who is comfortable in kayaks, the Swift Arrow is most likely the best choice. For anyone over 170 pounds, the Silver Arrow is the best choice.